Proper Hamster Care

Proper hamster care is extremely important! Most people that adopt hamsters do not know the basics of proper hamster care. As a result, hamsters are often not treated the way that they should. There is much to know about hamster care and a good hamster parent should do extensive research about it. Another reliable resource that you can look at is Victoria Raechel’s YouTube channel. Victoria Raechel is a pet YouTuber who mainly focuses on hamsters and spreading the word about proper hamster care. Here is a good video to guide you through proper hamster care. Also, you can always reach out to Gretta’s Hamster Rescue at if you have any questions on proper hamster care.

In line with the mission to provide hamsters in need with proper care, hamster-care-education is extremely important to GHR. An overview of the Dos and Don’ts for proper hamster care along with an in-depth discussion of each of the important components of hamster care are presented below.